Hello Hello!
This week has been pretty laid back. Obviously, Conference was the
big highlight! I really enjoyed Uchtdorf's and Monson's and the black
guy, and Nielson's, and pretty much all of them! Haha did you know that
the black guy was a slave in Zimbabwe and his owner was the one who
gave him a BOM? Fun fact. Haha Conference went by way too fast
though. I'm not used to that. It was super awesome! We had to go to
the stake center to watch the sessions. The butterscotch rolls were an
epic fail. Apparently, rhodes brand is like non-existent in California
unless you go to like Walmart or something, which we don't have in our
zone so we couldn't go, so we had to use a different brand that didn't
work at all. I was super dissappointed.
I haven't done as much cooking as I really thought I would. We have dinner appointments pretty much every night so we don't have to cook for that. We mostly just have to find food for lunch. Which so far has mostly consisted of mac and cheese, frozen pizzas, eggs, and chips and stuff. And we don't have much time so making stuff from scratch is a little impractical for lunch. Which is a bummer. It's good though. I'm getting pretty good at shopping for myself now. At first it was kinda rough. haha
I'm glad to hear all the boys still went to the stake center for conference. Pretty much everyone around here watched it at home. Which, as you could imagine, means that pretty much everyone slept through it. Haha. Oh well, they missed out. It was way good!
I really hope I can get in contact with Dave's sister! What is her name? I'm really hoping she's in my area cause if she's not, I don't really think I'll be able to get to her house. We really only go on exchanges with the zone leaders. So if she's not in my area, hopefully she's in theirs. I'll try my hardest though.
Sounds like Lucie is hilarious!! Miss you Luc!! Keep up the good work :)
I'm sure keven loved his packages! Speaking of Keven. I miss that kid. We saw a small white VW Golf the other day and it even had blacked out rims, just like kevens car, and I totally thought it was him for a minute. And then I remembered that he's all the way in Utah. And then I thought maybe Kade and Elle had borrowed the car and driven out here to visit her family or something, and I got excited again, and then I saw the Cali license plates and dissappointment hit me all over again. Haha can't wait to see him in a couple years. And I'm glad his Visa came through!! That's tight!
Sounds like it's been cray-cray at the house this past week! Sounds like a party! Too bad britta and james weren't really there. Get after them for me will you? I haven't gotten a letter or email or anything from them. Jerks. haha jk
I was really missing the donuts the other day. Pretty much all day I just thought about how I wouldn't be eating them. I'm glad you all got to though.
Chris is the name of our investigator that we are teaching. We taught her again on sunday after conference. She's been reading a TON of anti stuff and it's really hard to convince her that it's all a bunch of crap. Of course, we didn't say it like that though haha. She invited us back though so that's a start. We are trying to come up with ideas on how to convince her to stop reading anti stuff. It's wierd though cause she's read all the mormon stuff too. She's pretty much read all of D&C and lots of the Book of Mormon, and she's gotten on mormon.org and lds.org and stuff. So she's really knowledgable. But she's really hooked on the Anti ideas. Any suggestions??
Well I hope everything is going well!! I miss you guys! Hope you are having a great time!!
I love these pictures!!