Hello Hello!
This week has been pretty interesting! Let's see. Well, this
week we had exchanges with the zone leaders. That was a good time. It
was nice cause I didn't have to move locations this time. Elder Seright
packed his stuff and went to the other area. Elder Ulrich came with me
and we rocked it. We found two new investigators this week!! Ulrich
and I were able to teach both of them!! One of them, Julianne, is
pretty much golden! Her only issue is that she doesn't think that
Baptism is essential to getting to heaven. But we explained how
important it is and she said she would pray about it. The other issue
she has I guess is that her dad isn't supportive of her at all. She's
like 24 so he wouldn't be able to stop her from being baptized but it's
still hard for her.
And of course, this week was thanksgiving! So that was lots of
fun!!! We went over to a members house in the morning, and we deep
fried 4 turkeys and some french fries!! It was soooooo good!! And after
that we went over to the Katompski's house. I don't know if I've ever
mentioned them before. They are some of our investigators. Except they
told us the other day that they would probably never be converted. Oh
well. We will keep trying!!
This is the first turkey that we fried. It looks like it's totally burned and stuff but right under the surface it is perfectly cooked and super juicy! |
The third and final exciting thing that happened this week is that we got to see Chris on sunday!!
The not so fun part of that is that she told us she's not really
interested in learning more about the church anymore, but she is more
than willing to listen to whatever it is we want to tell her about. So
that's a bummer. We ended up teaching her about the plan of salvation yesterday.
The fun part though is that she really is going to get married!! They
are gonna get married up near a waterfall around here and they are going
to ask our bishop to do it. I told her if he wouldn't then I would. I
don't know if you guys know this or not, cause I didn't, but because I
am a legal minister, I can marry people!!! Haha isn't that fun?! Bishop
will probably do it though. Chris asked us to be the witnesses
though!! Haha it's a good time.
That's kind of all the exciting things of this week. We weren't
able to see Roger or anything cause he was busy for the holidays, but
hopefully this week! Thanks for praying for them!
Thanksgiving in PG sounded like a great time!!! And yeah, it is
super weird that everyone was knitting instead of playing on their ipads
and computers. Strange.
Everyone keeps telling us about how awesome Catching Fire is!!! I'm
super jealous!!! I've decided staying in a homeshare with members is
rough. They are always watching movies and stuff!! I just go to bed
listening to the sounds of awesome movies right outside our door. The
other night they were watching the Hobbit. I love that movie. And I
saw a preview for #2 the other day while we were cooking up thanksgiving
at the members house. Darn it all. Haha
I'll watch for Sherri's relatives! That's cool that they
are coming to Redlands! And setting up Christmas sounds like a good
time!! The Masseys go all out. I can't remember if I told you or not
but they have 11 trees. And they aren't all small either. They put us
missionaries in charge of the biggest one. It was a pain!! I bet the
tree's dad did look great though!! They always look super good when he
does them!!
And you mentioned something about making candy??? Send me some??
haha And I would love to do Secret Buddy still! Sounds great. And
yeah, feel free to help me out.
I am starting to get low on Calvin and Hobbes envelopes and colored
ones too. But I still have a bunch of stamps and stuff. I have no
idea what I want for Christmas. I was thinking about maybe a new set of
Scriptures? Except then I would have to start all over marking stuff
up. But it turns out, the ones I'm using are kinda old. Who knew? If
you guys want to write in some books of mormon, that'd be cool. I don't
really know who I would give them too but I could find someone! As far
as I know, all the missionaries are getting packages and stuff. Thanks
though!! If I hear of any who aren't I'll let you know. And I'm glad
Sis. Jensen got my letter!!! She's the best!
Well, California is awesome!! Thanks for all your support and love!!
Love you guys!!
-Elder Wise
One of our members has cool guns and a manikin dressed up in Russian army gear! |
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