Hello from Colton!!! It's a whole different world down here than
I'm used to. Goodbye Ferrari's and Lamborghinis, hello El Camino's and
PT Cruisers. Yuck. That's a long fall.
Anyways, Colton is still pretty great! It's a bike
area sadly. No more car for me! Man, my butt is sore. Haha So this
week was spent mostly getting to know people. I am now serving in the
Bloomington Ward. There are 6 Elders serving in this ward. Because of
that, the ward is split into three areas. Which is really dumb. I hate
it. I only really get to know 1/3 of the ward. The only good thing is
that we still eat dinners with members outside of our area, so I get to
meet other people when that happens. So at least that. One of the
coolest people I've met this week is a guy named Ransom Buff. He's one
of our investigators. He's a boss!! He was a sniper in the military
for like 30 years, a POW in Nam, and now owns a really big turkey ranch
in Arizona, but lives in a tiny rundown house here in Colton. The
reason being that he stays to take care of his grandson. Who's parents
are druggies and just pretty much useless. So Ransom is really cool!
Also, I was offered a pretty good deal for my bike this
week. 100 bucks in cash and some weed! Needless to say I passed. I
think that might've been the very first time I'd every really been
offered drugs though. So that was a fun experience. Haha
There are a lot of Hispanic people here. Most of them
speak English though. So that's good! But there are also a bunch of
Spanish missionaries around here too. And they are pretty successful
sounds like. I guess our zone leaders taught 58 lessons last week
alone. That's a TON if you were wondering. :) So yes, this area is a
missionaries dream come true haha. Most people around here aren't very
wealthy. Hence, the lack of steak. I would imagine that this city
could probably be a really successful city, if it's residents would stop
wasting their money on drugs. I guess that's why we are here. To
teach them the right way!! Yay!! It's really great. There are a lot
of really good people here though. I already love it here. I miss the
desert though. haha
My new companion is pretty cool too. He is from Lehi.
So not too far away! He is big into cross country running and basketball
and stuff. Luckily, he doesn't make me run with him in the mornings
haha. Cause I don't think I could do it. I can barely walk. Haha.
He's a super nice guy though. Like over the top nice. Which is great!
You can really easily tell that he has a super strong testimony of the
gospel, and that he loves to serve. It's great! We are gonna get a lot
of work done around here.
Daylight savings just about killed me too. I was so
dang exhausted yesterday. oh Man. That's about it for the week though,
those were the highlights haha. Oh actually I just remembered. Don't
ask why I almost forgot cause this is huge. This Saturday
we are having another mission conference. You want to know why?
Because an Apostle and a Seventy and an Area Seventy are all coming!! I
can't remember who the Seventy is but the Apostle is Elder Anderson.
It's gonna be so sweet!! And he want's to shake all the missionaries
hands. So be jealous haha :) I can't wait!
Holy moly sade! That's a lot of stuff to be sick with. Get better please!
Lucie, I am going to write you a letter today! So watch for it in the mail! :)
Well, that's all I got to report. Love you all!! I'm sure I'll have some crazy stories to tell next week. Love you!!
-Elder Wise
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