We had a Zone Conference on Thursday which was pretty great! We went into a lot of depth on how to plan correctly and stuff. It was super good! And then on Friday and Saturday we were on exchanges. On Friday we exchanged with the Zone Leaders and then on Saturday we were on exchanges with the District Leader. I liked Friday a lot more than I liked Saturday
haha. I got to be with Elder Bird who used to be one of our roommates
and he is super funny. We had a great time and we also taught like 9
lessons that day so it was super successful! It was legit!
Let's see, what else. I think that's about all the exciting things that happened. Not a super exciting week I guess haha.
the new shirts. I would like some long sleeves and some short sleeves
too probably. I think I am wearing the same size. I believe it's a
15-1/2. I think that's referring to the neck size or something. I
don't know.
And I'll be sure to let bobby know which one you
liked. I think you mentioned once that you had sent it back, but i
never got it or anything, so idk. And I think I'm still pretty good
with address stickers and stuff. I'm pretty sure I still have a bunch.
I can check though. Thank you so much!!
Sounds like you all had a pretty good week! Bishop
Keechs story was pretty funny haha. I'm glad Lucie is feeling better
too!! That's super good!
This is Elder Olsen. He is one of our ZLs and a super cool guy. |
This is Julian. He is super funny and super crazy! |
Well, I hope you all have a fantastic week!!! Missionary work is awesome!! Love you all!!
-Elder Wise
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