Hey guys!! I hope you are all doing well! I just wanted to tell
you a little bit about why I decided to serve a mission. Serving a
mission was something I had pretty much always planned on doing. But
when the time came to really decide if I was going to go or not, I
wasn't really sure. But there wass one thing that I knew for sure. It was
that I held the priesthood. What does that have to do with anything?
Well let me tell ya. As priesthood holders we enter into a covenant.
And part of that covenant is to serve others. If we hold the
priesthood, it is our DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY to serve others. That is
something that we promised we would do. And the scriptures tell us very
clearly, in D&C 89, that those who break this covenant, will not
have remission of sins in this life or the life to come. Well that's
kinda scary! The blessings that come from serving others are incredible.
Something I've noticed before my mission as well as on my mission is
that serving others brings more happiness than anything in the whole
world. No joke. It is the greatest thing ever to know that you were
able to bless someone's life and help them out. It's not always easy,
but as we sacrifice for the Lord's children, we are blessed, and more
importantly, they are blessed! So that's why I decided to serve a
mission. I wanted to fulfill my priesthood responsibility, and serve
others. And it's the greatest thing ever! And if you don't believe me,
then try it! It's blessed my life so so so so much! I am so thankful
for this chance I have to be serving a mission. Love you guys!

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